23 Mar 2011

A cinco minutos do Inferno

Pode o ódio durar 33 anos após se ter visto o irmão morrer sem qualquer culpa por três tiros disparados por um fanático de uma religião contra outra?
E o remorso?
Também e como o ódio durar os mesmos 33 anos e toda uma vida.

O cenário deste profundo, tocante filme é a Irlanda do Norte e a luta fratricida entre cristãos e protestantes para abreviar uma questão mais complexa.
Um jovem idealista que se quer afirmar como homem mata outro rapaz que mal conhece.
Nas suas próprias palavras

The thing you have to remember; what you have to understand, is the mindset. Once you have signed up to terror, and joined the organization; the group, your mind closes right down. It becomes only our story that matters, not their story - the Catholics. It's only *my* people that are being killed, and here suffering and that need looking after. Catholics being killed? Doesn't enter your head. And so when I went up to Sammy, our local commander, and told him I wanted to kill a Catholic man, it wasn't a wrong thing for me to do. In my head, it was the proper; the just; the fair; the good thing to do, and so, it was easy. When I got to the house, there was a boy in the street. I didn't expect him to be there, but, there he was. I only looked at him for a moment because I had a job to do, but if I had known that he was Jim's brother, I would have shot him as well. It was in the mindset. It was tit-for-tat, and perhaps one more - why not? That's what it was like.

E depois um programa de televisão junta-os após todos aqueles dolorosos anos para cara a cara como homens se reencontrarem.
Não se pode nem deve dizer o que aconteceu apenas e pegando novamente nas palavras dele.

When I got home, my mother and father were watching the TV, and it came on the news that the man I had shot was dead. I was so excited, I couldn't wait for when I would get my congratulations. Sammy was going to come knocking at my door, he was going to lead me out into the street and proudly walk me into the bar, and everybody was gonna stand up and applaud. Me? I would've shot anyone for that

Aconteceu, acontece e vai continuar a acontecer todos os dias.
Está aqui explicado porquê.
Um último apontamento, quando ele entra num dos bares ligados ao Celtic é olhado como um inimigo. Nada que não aconteça noutros países.

Filme aqui

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